Monday, May 24, 2010

Which organizations protect the civil liberties of internet users?

The Global Internet Liberty Campaign [1] was formed at the annual meeting of the Internet Society in Montreal to protect and promote the civil liberties of users and operators of computer based communications systems such as the Internet. Members of the combination include the American Civil Liberties Union, the Electronic Privacy Information Center, Human Rights Watch, the Internet Society, Privacy International, the Association des Utilisateurs d'Internet, and other civil liberties and human rights organizations.

The major objectives of the member organizations of GILC are to protect and promote fundamental human rights such as freedom of speech and the right of privacy of users and operators of computer based communications systems such as the Internet in everywhere. You can find the members in following link:

EFA[2] is on of the GILC members that is independent of government and commerce. the organization advocates the amendment of laws and regulations in Australia and elsewhere which limit free speech. One of the other major activities of the organization is to educate the community at large about the social, political, and civil liberties issues involved in the use of computer based communications systems.

Cyber-Rights & Cyber-Liberties (UK) [3] is another member who covers such important issues as the regulation of child pornography on the cyber and UK Government’s encryption policy. The organization provides last news and information about free speech and privacy on the Internet.




Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A quick blogging primer for parents

Recent researches show half of blogs are written by teenagers .there are potential threats I sharing of their detail personal information that because they have to tendency to competite for attention.
Although keeping weblog improve their skills in writing and communication but is important that parents give them correct information about risks and benefits of cyberspace. Here are a few suggestions to get started:
•Create regulations online use with your kids and be persistent
•Screen contents that your kids wanted to post in its weblog
•Tanger , if not take out it.When you want to post a content in the weblog, ask yourself that you can show it to a stranger if not take out it.
•Evaluate service provider and realize if it offers private password for protect weblog
•Save weblog address you kids and always review the contents.
•Show positive weblog to your kids and teach them that how use weblogs usefully

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Adult Content and Child Safety

Adult Content: We do allow adult content on Blogger, including images or videos that contain nudity or sexual activity. But, please mark your blog as 'adult' in your Blogger settings. Otherwise, we may put it behind a 'mature content' interstitial.
There are some exceptions to our adult content policy:
Do not use Blogger as a way to make money on adult content. For example, don't create blogs where a significant percentage of the content is ads or links to commercial porn sites.
No incest or bestiality content: We do not allow image, video or text content that depicts or encourages incest or bestiality.
Child safety: We have a zero tolerance policy towards content that exploits children. Some examples of this include:
Child pornography: We will terminate the accounts of any user we find publishing or distributing child pornography. We will also report that user to law enforcement.
Pedophilia: We do not allow content that encourages or promotes sexual attraction towards children. For example, do not create blogs with galleries of images of children where the collection of images or text accompanying the images is sexually suggestive.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Review the principal of copyright by famous tales

The video [1] is put out by students of Stanford that review the principal of copyright through famous tales.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Bloggers' Rights

Electronic Frontier Foundation(EFF) is an organization that bottle for bloggers' rights in the courtroom. Their website lists some bloggers' rights as below[1]:

  • Bloggers can be journalists (and journalists can be bloggers). Blogger is a journalist, with all of the attendant rights, privileges, and protections.

  • Bloggers are entitled to free speech. Internet bullies shouldn't use copyright, defamation, or other claims to chill your legal speech.

  • Bloggers have the right to political speech.

  • Bloggers have the right to stay anonymous. Blogger could keep his or her identity private when he or she blog. it is as constitutional right to anonymous speech online.

  • Bloggers have freedom from liability for hosting speech the same way other web hosts do.


Saturday, May 1, 2010

The book of Law of Blogging

There is a book on the "Law of Blogging" was released on 2007. At first, this book discuses about legal definition of blogging and then illustrate some topic that blogger should know as copyright, defamation and threats from businesses, government, cults and non-profits and individuals. It’s available for $9.95 directly from the author as a PDF download only.